
What Are Ofsted Inspections?

Ofsted stands for the Office For Standards in Education. It is a non-ministerial government department responsible for the inspection of all schools and other educational organisations in England.

A school inspection is carried out by a team of inspectors, led by a registered inspector. The inspection team visit the school and gather evidence by using analysis of data, observation of lessons, interviews with teachers, analysis of pupils work and meetings with parents, pupils and governors in order to assess how well the school is performing. After the inspection the team provide a written report of their findings.

Typically an inspection of a small primary school may take a team of 2 inspectors 3 days to complete; whilst for a large secondary school it may take 15 inspectors 4 days. The inspection is designed to answer the following questions:

  • What sort of school is it?
  • What does the school do well?
  • How high are the standards?
  • How well are pupils taught?
  • How well is the school led and managed?
  • How much has the school improved since the last inspection?
  • What should the school do to improve further?

For further information about Ofsted and how they conduct inspections visit the Ofsted Website.

St John’s Primary School Inspection

We were inspected in February 2024 and were delighted to be judged as GOOD in all areas.


Ofsted Report – February 2024
St John’s Primary – Ofsted Website

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